Saturday, August 29, 2009

Good Idea # 6

"Oklahoma has reported a handful of minor NCAA rules violations, mostly dealing with what the university describes as inadvertent phone calls or text messages by various coaches."

If you cheat, don't tell the NCAA, because it's only going to make things worse you big dummies.

Good Idea # 5

If you recycle you should stop. It doesn't help the Earth, it just makes you a hippy.

Good Idea # 4

If you play fantasy football, here is a good idea if you want to win. Steal the number one pick every year and come up with the worst points system ever.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Good Idea # 3

When you install a door in the wrong spot and the customer complains, just tell them, "yo momma" or "suck it". I find they both work.

Good Idea #2

When people don't agree with you, tell them you are going to punch them. If they don't believe you, punch them.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Good Idea #1

When you get a tattoo, always get the big one.